![]() Paraşut |
Kurdish guide Armet Ertugrul (Paraşut), the Chinese Noah's Ark Ministries International (NAMI) from Hong Kong, and MEDIA Evangelism Limited (ME)
announced that they had discovered Noah's Ark in 2007, 2008, and 2009. We wonder how many times they can discover the same thing. These press releases did not sweep the world, so they announced the discovery again at a big splashy press conference in Hong Kong in April 2010. Even National Geographic (NatGeoTV) reported on their Noah's Ark discovery.
The Kurdish Guides and the Noah's Ark Discovery Fraud
Dr. Amy L. Beam explains the role of the Kurdish (Turkish) guides in the Noah's Ark Discovery fraud perpetrated by Noah's Ark Ministries International (NAMI) and The Media Evangelism (MEDIA). This reveals confessions by Mehmet Ceven who led the Chinese team on Mount Ararat and Tilki Mehmet who went to Iran to get the fraudulent radiocarbon certificate. This is a 19-page .pdf file. Please be patient while it downloads. February 24, 2012 |
在這篇文章中,Amy Beam博士解釋庫德族(土耳其人)導遊在尋獲挪亞方舟的詐欺行為中所扮演的角色。這起詐欺行為是由挪亞方舟國際事工和影音使團所主導。這篇文章包含梅勉﹒席文和提爾其﹒梅勉的告白。梅勉﹒席文帶領中國人的隊伍前往亞拉臘山,而提爾其﹒梅勉則是前往伊朗取得偽造的碳十四年代鑑定證明。這是一篇長達十九頁的pdf檔案。下載時請保持耐心。. 2012年2月24日 |
They're Digging in the Wrong Place!
American Ark searchers Dr. Don Patton and Dr. Randall Price provide a detailed report of the Noah's Ark fraud and how Paraşut conned them. Video interviews including Dr. Salih Bayraktutan, head of Seismology at Ataturk University in Turkey, show irrefutable evidence Paraşut's site is a hoax. September - December 2010
Dr. Don Patton Exposes Noah's Ark Fraudulent Wood
American Ark searcher Dr. Don Patton visited NAMI's fraudulent Noah's Ark site in September 2010 with a Kurdish guide who worked on building the site with Parasut. Patton shows a piece of the fraudulent Ark wood in this video. The fraud is confirmed by geologist Dr. Salih Bayraktutan, head of Seismology at Ataturk University in Turkey. September 14, 2010 |
The Sheep Is Break Down
NAMI's Kurdish partner, Ahmet Ertugrul (nickname Paraşut), explains in a widely circulated email to Ark searchers that the partnerships have broken down. Or was it the ship that broke down? A mystery. This Includes views from camp 2, Mount Ararat of the alleged Noah's Ark excavation site in Red Canyon. Bad Boys sound track copyright by Inner Circle. September 2011 |
Noah's Ark Searcher Missing on Mount Ararat - Joel David Klenck
Video version with audio narration. Joel David Klenck appears in the Noah's Ark Ministries International (NAMI) movie Days of Noah - Apocalypse II as a so-called expert. Here is the evidence, presented by Dr. Amy L. Beam, to prove he is a fraud. If Klenck is a fraud, can the discovery of Noah's Ark be true? October 2011 |
Noah's Ark Searcher Missing on Mount Ararat - Joel David Klenck - Updated
Evidence of fraud by Joel David Klenck, Noah's Ark Ministries International (NAMI) "expert". Manual slide show version with individual downloadable .jpg files for you to study and enlarge. This updated version includes threats made by Parasut, NAMI, and Joel Klenck to Amy Beam and NAMI/ME's removal of the English version of their website to hide the evidence of fraud. Updated with additional 20 slides, November 28, 2011. |
Interview with Joel David Klenck September 17, 2011
Dr. Amy L. Beam, Mount Ararat Trek, interviews Joel David Klenck, NAMI's fraudulent "expert", at Murat Camping after he went missing for 4 hours on Mount Ararat. Klenck states he never met Paraşut or Clara Wei from NAMI, he had never visited eastern Turkey before this trip (Sept. 14-17, 2011), he thinks the Paraşut Noah's Ark site is a fraud, and he thinks Randall Price did a pretty good job "debunking it". September 17, 2011. |
NAMI Movie Trailer: The Days of Noah - Apocalypse II
Joel David Klenck appears around second :30 in NAMI's promotional movie trailer saying "This is history". This movie trailer was created long before Klenck ever stepped foot in eastern Turkey, yet Klenck has put out his own press releases, written in third-person with glowing statements about his "expertise", packed with preposterous lies stating he examined the Noah's Ark site and "artifacts" from the site. |
Join Noah's Ark FaceBook Group
A rapidly growing FB community of over 2000 concerned people worldwide trying to expose the Noah's Ark fraud. Sign up to get email notifications of new updates posted to this site. |
位教牧領袖聯署呼籲考慮應否支持影音使團 Add your signature to a petition to MEDIA Evangelism to stop the promotion of NAMI's movie of their fraudulent discovery of Noah's Ark. |
Open Letter to NAMI/MEDIA
www.arkwhy.org 我們就此事聯署了一封公開信,呼籲眾教會作出關注並為此事代禱。 We have signed an open letter on the matter, calling for public concern and intercession of the Church. Updated daily. |
MEDIA Is Selling Cookies. . .Have They No Shame? MEDIA Evangelism Limited is now selling fortune cookies online. MEDIA is the public relations arm of Noah's Ark Ministries International (NAMI) promoting the fraudulent "discovery" of Noah's Ark. Only $60 for one box or $88 for two boxes. |
Dr. Carl Wieland, Australia, Reports on NAMI Hoax NAMI's Days of Noah Apocalypse II movie opened August 14, 2011, at the Sydney Opera House. NAMI invited Dr. Carl Wieland, Director of Creation Ministries International in Australia, to examine their photographic evidence. Wieland concluded it was "overwhelmingly so, a not-so-sophisticated hoax." August 16, 2011. |
Andrew A. Snelling, Ph.D, States NAMI's Wood Samples Not Noah's Ark Noah's Ark Ministries International (NAMI) invited Dr. Snelling to examine their wood test results and be an expert witness for their 2010 Hong Kong press conference. After Snelling examined the test results, he stated 'people are being seriously misled, and are generously donating under apparently false pretenses. . . .whatever they have found, they are NOT the remains of the Ark.' November 9, 2011. |
《教會智囊》60:方舟與福音 The Church think tank 60: the Ark and the Gospel Chinese with English translation. Examines history and financial information of The Media Evangelism and Noah's Ark Ministries. Their 2011 target video budget was 71 million, almost as much as Hong Kong's biggest political party. Click here for Chinese with English translation. Wait for .pdf file to download and open. February 22, 2012. |
Dr. Randall Price Interview, May 2012 Randall Price explains how he met NAMI and Parasut in 2008 and was scammed. May 28, 2012. |
[不畏強權] 挑戰影音使團總幹事袁文輝 (上) Challenge to The Media Evangelism Limited Director Yuan Wenhui (part one) http://facebook.com/howtindogs 或 google+: howtindog@gmail.ca 為沒有YouTube戶口的朋友而設, 方便留言討論或follow未來的影片.March 6, 2012. |